We will be continuing to update this page with any valuable resources and downloads that can be utilized for your training. The easiest way to download is to right click the button and choose to “save linked file” or “download linked file”. Enjoy!

Speed-Accuracy-Consistency Pistol Standards Target

Drill performed at 7 yards on the 5" bullseye, 5.00 seconds from the holster. There's nothing crazy about this drill, it definitely forces you to focus more on recoil management so you can track your sights faster.You also get extra points if you shoot it with a 100% internally stock gun! This downloadable target is the same for both the pistol and rifle standards.

Speed-Accuracy-Consistency Carbine Standards Target

Drill performed at 7 yards, on the 3" bullseye, 4.00 seconds from the high ready. There's nothing crazy about this drill, it definitely forces you to focus more on recoil management so you can track your red dot and stay on target. This downloadable target is the same for both the pistol and rifle standards.

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